Hyderabad and Mumbai are 2021 Tree City of the World

Hyderabad and Mumbai has been jointly recognized as the ‘2021 Tree City of the World.’ This recognition is given by The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN-FAO) along with Arbor Day Foundation.

How is a city chosen as Tree City?

For a city to be chosen as a Tree City, it must fulfill some criteria-

  • Taking responsibility for the caring of trees
  • Having a Tree Board
  • An official policy to govern the management of trees and forests
  • Must have an updated assessment or inventory of the local tree resources
  • Must have a dedicated annual budget for tree management
  • Must organise an annual celebration of trees to raise awareness

Which cities has been chosen in India?

Hyderabad has been featured on this list for the second consecutive year. This is the first time Mumbai has made it to the list.

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