Best Educational Toys for your baby

“Which toy to buy? Is it educational enough? Will it help in my baby development?” Do these questions bother you too? Well, the answer is all here. Being a parent, there are certain things that you should keep in mind while buying the educational toys for your child. 

Educational toys for the infants and the toddlers

The best way to teach babies of this age group is to make them come in contact with different shapes and size. This age group is the best for making them learn shape, size, colour. Doing so helps him/her to develop good hands and leg movement.

Educational toys for grown up Kids

In the age group 1-3 years, the baby tries to learn things through playing with different stuffs. The best way to teach the alphabets and numbers and how to write and draw things to him/her is through educational toys. 

First of all, the toy that you buy should have more than one way of using it. For example, wooden block can be used to make various things like roads, bridge, some building or something else. This will enhance your child’s imagination power by developing his/her problem solving and logical thinking skills. 

Some other good examples of such toys are chunky plastic, different kinds of blocks, cups, sand toys and water toys. There are several toys that encourages your child to practice new skills like shape-sorter, clays, crayons, or play dough. 

You can add some basic skill learning toys to his/her collection like toy food, dressing-up toys, toys tools. Make sure while they are playing with these, you interact with them as if it’s a real-life scenario.

You can also use toys that look like real things child size brooms, dust pans, toy phones, dinner set. There are several toys that can help your child learn alphabets and numbers very easily. Like magnetic alphabets and number, once they plug the magnet into an alphabet or a number a robotic voice speaks them out. This makes the child understand what the given alphabet or number is.

Happy parenting!!!!! 

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