How to deal with mom sick babies

If you find that your baby always wants to be with you and your baby doesn't want to leave you even for a single minute then you have a mom sick baby.  Your baby needs you but it doesn't mean that your baby always have to be with you. In this article, we are going to discuss  certain points which will help you with moms and babies.

Make your own daily routine

Mom should have their own daily routine.  Apart from taking care of babies, mom should have her own schedule. For pursuing your own daily routine, you may be having your own work area.  In few days, your baby will also understand that you have your own daily routine and will adjust with it.

What to be included in daily routine

You must pursue your hobbies like cooking, music, singing, dancing, painting, reading or writing.

Work from home or doing some online certificate course is also a good idea. Now, there are lots of online courses which you can join and earn a certificate of your choice.

If you like writing, then you should start a blog and pursue it.

Many have started video blog and a YouTube channel in these days.

You must also go outside for meetings or parties without baby.

The above points will definitely help you to make your own daily schedule. You should also paste this on the wall such that it is visible to everyone. 

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  1. Thanks for the wonderful post. Your articles are really to the point
